Monday, January 16, 2006

David <3 Matt

*Highlight of the Day:
1. Getting coffee in freezing ice New York weather & meeting up with David later on.
2. Seeing Michelle Trachtenberg at "The Silk Trading Company" off 5th Ave. and 16th.
3. AMAZING! finding out that David is officially moving to Dallas with me on January 27th.

*Lowlight of the Day:
1. Not getting any sleep (pulled an all nighter and lack of sleep made me kinda grouchy - not gonna lie)
2. Being friggin freezing in the snow/ice/wind. (love the winter blah blah blah but still)
3. Being totally uncomfortable on the L Train standing up hearing obnoxious conversations, smelling foul odors, and being in clustered groups feeling a little clausophobic.

-other than that-

Today was utterly one of the days of my life...I feel in love all over again. I love you David!!


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