Tuesday, January 16, 2007


David and I ran into Michelle Trachtenberg at The Silk Trading Company off 5th Ave. and 16th. David moved from New York to live with me in Dallas for a while. Turned into 8 months. Adopted 4 fish, which went to 10 in like a day. I never do that.

David turned 21, and I celebrated my first Valentine’s Day with someone I loved. Had photo shoot in a house worth $500,000. Realized that people (Christian or not) are not who they seem to be. Braces Pt. 1: RPE. I reunited with my stepsister, whom I haven’t spoken to in 3 years.

My first road trip. We went to Nashville, TN to visit David’s mom and sister. Wonderful people btw. Took home David’s childhood dog, Nikita, back home with us to Dallas. R.I.P. fish. All 10. David was threatened to being sued? Come on now. Founded “Spa Night” which later turned out to be he HUGE.

My second road trip. Went to Houston to visit our friend from NY who is originally from Houston. Both started to work at retail; later found out it’s the #1 job from hell. Our First “Ray of Sunshine”. Braces Pt. 2: I got braces, which has been my ultimate “promise” for 5 years or so.

Visited my childhood home in honor of my mom’s 48th birthday.

One-year anniversary with David. Second “Ray of Sunshine”. Not so Ray and not so sunshine. Mini vacation back to New York for 10 days.

Experienced my first “sick drunk”. Never Again. “This is the worse service ever!” “Water for everyone! Drinks on me!” Shook Daniel Vosovic’s hand on Columbus and 83rd; same day Nigel Barker sat behind us at The Diner. Officially sold my car and everything I own for the “Big Move”. Dre came to visit us in Dallas and party it up.

My 3rd road trip. But this time, for good. We drove a U-Haul from Dallas to Nashville, and then to NY. Bought my first apartment in NY - “I was on 145th and Broadway”.

WOW. Nothing.

David filmed a short movie in Jersey. Halloween in the West Village in a full out costume with a fake mustache and everything.

Took revenge on Express. Three times. November 5th is the magic date. I turned 20.

Warmest holiday season yet. Searched for a real tree, found one. 2nd Christmas in New York, marking “The 2nd annual Christmas of TNT”. I love it.

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