Wednesday, January 17, 2007


All of these things tie together.

I make changes for you.
So is it that hard to make some changes for me?

If you truly are not hiding anything via myspace or cell phone, why do you get so mad when I question, “Who is it?” Is it really that hard to just tell me, “Oh this is Tom, an ex-friend” and do it in the open. You are entitled to your own privacy, but I don’t question all the times I would like to, so it’s really not that bad to just tell me the truth.

Our relationship runs off honesty. Why lie about something to produce another problem and make things worse. If you think I’m too paranoid, and nosey, you should really sit me down, and tell me, “Look, I’m going out to drink with XXX and I’m not doing anything to hurt you so just calm down”. Lying only makes things worse.

We’ve both lied, so if we agree we were both in the wrong and change it, but if it happens again, the first “I’m sorry” cancelled out, right? And then that means we’re really not compatible.

Part of a relationship is compromising.

It’s almost impossible to go backwards in a relationship.

You’ll lose some freedom being in a committed relationship, but I can work on giving you the freedom you need without throwing it all away.

Same with text messages, why do you feel it’s okay to pass out your number and get another number of a person, without having other intentions? Especially when you lie about them. If they are just friends, they’re just a friend. When you lie, that’s burning a bridge that I cannot cross again.

In 3 days, if you don’t miss me, chances are you never really meant for us to be in a relationship to start with.

Maybe you don’t know what you’ve gotten from me and yes, you’re willing to throw it all away right now, but take the time to really think of the benefits I have given you.

I’m not telling you to delete your myspace, or not talk to this person, but if you truly wanted to make me happy, you’d honor those requests. I’m just asking you, not demanding you do so.

I’m throwing everything in your face, but we just have issues to talk about.

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