Monday, March 19, 2007


So I got into FIT.
What an amazing journey it was too. I started from scratch and now I have 2 years ahead of me. I couldn't have done it without my friends. I've been spending more and more time in that area and meeting people at the school. ONE THING: Everyone there is so friendly and outgoing that it was easy to meet people. I love it. I met a couple guys who introduced me to their friends and all I can say right now, is that I love the feeling of knowing more people.

I think I was scared of the whole breakup because I was dependent on David to fill me completely. Now that I've realized that I don't need him, I love it. I went to Hell's Kitchen last weekend, met people..drank, danced, and did the whole thing and I still love David, but the more he and I spend time together, I'm seeing that we're actually drifting farther and farther apart. SO I've come to realize that I am on my own. In NEW YORK FUCKING CITY.


So I was up in Queens last night. Again this weekend.
I'm a trooper, my sense of direction is getting better and better. Either that, or it's just getting easier and easier to get around.

Now I'm in the bath, feeling a little sex and city like and typing in the laptop watching some old school spice girl concert/behind-the-scene stuff.

2007! I said this year would be all about me, and so's proven to be that and beyond. It's only March gets better from here. THANK YOU!

...and to you too..

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