Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Did You Say?

Where has all the time went?

I seem to ask that in a most of my entries. Why? I have no clue really. I'm amazed at how fast time goes. As of tomorrow, graduation is in one week. I can't believe how fast this semester has come and gone, I also can't believe that the BFA program starts in a mere 3 months. The 250 student count is cut in half, maybe a little less because we have 4 blocks now and there are only 2 this fall. I'm so excited about all the courses I have to take, including my liberals. I feel like I've learned so much. It feels so good. My current GPA is almost a 4.0 and I can't believe that I'm on the Dean's List. I've worked so hard and I'm happy that people are taking notice.

Seth and I painted the living room red today, and I must say I absolutely love it. Red is such a fun color and I've never had a painted home so it feels so homey and domesticated.

Well, time for biggest loser finale. I still have time for tivo'd shows right? Right.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Well I Made It.

Well we finally did it! We made it out to Seattle for Britney Spears, and I must say that we couldn't ask for a better "Britney Experience" I'm so excited that I'd rather just keep all the details to myself, but I'm sure you could youtube Tacoma Dome and find out what happened. I love you Seth!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Note #8.

Woman on subway hits her child during rush hour on the way home.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Note #7.

Black man pushes white woman just to hold the pole.
6 stops later, finds a seat for himself.
Holds the empty seat next to him, and offers it to her.

She accepts.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Note #6.

People have just lost their manners and don't say thank you and I'm sorry.

Jewish man looks with disgust as large black woman sits down in the 2 seater on the subway.

Man staring/day dreaming out his window in Kew Gardens on Lefferts Blvd in Queens. 12:12pm

Monday, March 9, 2009

Note #5.

Brave man sits next to homeless man with drool hanging out to his knees.
People stare and have been avoiding sitting on the same side as him.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Note #4.

2 police men in subway.
Making everyone nervous about just sitting.
Almost as if we're all hiding our secrets.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Note #3.

Two gay men sat in from Queens to Manhattan.
The only 5 people around us gave them dirty looks, stared.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Note #2.

My art tube fell on woman's leg.
Gave me the nastiest look.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Note #1.

Saw one woman give up her seat for another woman.
Good deed in NY.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Snowing Still.


It's snowing still. Since 6pm the day before. It's almost a foot and a half and in New York, that's a huge burden on everyone who lives here. There's no safety from getting soaked from the knees down. I did sleep very well t hough, the radiator was nice and going and it seemed like a silent night right before a big storm. The snow was falling like a silent rain. Seth is on a 4 day, I can't remember where he was sent to, but I know he comes home Thursday morning. Of course I'll be at work, then hip hop dance class. The snow is lightening up but it's still cold as hell. I wonder why we seem to get the most snow in months other than December. I still can't believe how fast it seems to be going these days. Maybe because the break up with David was 2 years ago. Then again my schedule has gotten a lot busier. I can't believe I graduate in May! :) I don't mind my schedule. I'm in a better place now spiritually and mentally as well as emotionally. It's the "fun kind" of being productive that I really enjoy. I'm waiting to open the store with my other coworkers but the snow trapped them all out in Harlem so they're 30 minutes late. Well I'm having a busy week this week so wish me luck...

..Until then

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well That's Nice.

During my commute to school, I saw 2 men and 1 woman all picking their noses on the subway.
I'm talking index finger in the nostril as if they're sitting alone on the toilet.

When did this become okay publicly?

I'm just saying, ew.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everybody's Doing It!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then publish.)

DISCLAIMER: Because everyone and their dog has already filled this out, or has been "tagged" to do this at some point, I'm not going to tag anyone - just share 25 random facts. Enjoy!

25 Random things about me:

1. I'm a Dallas native, but at age 7, I moved to Southern California until I was 16 followed by a move BACK to Dallas for 2 more years until finally coming out and setting down in New York. 2 years later, I was accepted into FIT.

2. Speaking of which, everyone has been asking me what my favorite medium is, and I keep asking myself the same question. When I started, I was 100% up for drawing, but now painting and mixed mediums by far trumps drawing. :)

3. My body seems to have this instant reaction to music, whether I'm sitting or standing I seem to find the move to the groove.

4. I've always been self-conscience about my teeth because ever since I could remember I've been laughing with my hand over my mouth or smiling certain ways without showing "too much" teeth. But October of 2008 changed everything because that's when I got the braces off and now my smile and laugh reflect what's been inside of me all this time.

5. I prefer briefs, but I get turned on by the "sway and curvature" of a good boxer.

6. I've always known that I love to travel, but at this point in my life it's very possible to get anywhere I would like or interested in visiting. Thank you Seth. :)

7. Fresh cut grass and late night thunderstorms are my ultimate favorite scents besides the very gay vanilla bean or anything close to that.

8. I'm learning how to cook, and if you know me know me, me cooking is like asking me a sports or engine question. I'd like to thank my amazing chef/teacher.

9. I'm against video/computer games but I'm addicted to Wii. But only Mario Kart.

10. I hate these random facts things, who has time to list 25? 10 is more realistic.

11. I'm really bad with remembering birthdays.

12. I have an incredible sweet tooth and I really wish I would get rid of it.

13. I have this fun hobby of "people watching" on the subway. Mainly because I like to watch everyone move to the rhythm of my music and almost play out this faux musical in hopes that everyone knows the words and dances at the same time.

14. I like musicals.

15. I went for drinks with a friend's ex-boyfriend and gang for his birthday and apparently that falls in the category "dating-the-ex" and that's just bullshit. The little group of kids never speak to me again.

16. Speaking of ex, I'd really like to just be friends with mine. Exes who turn out to be friends in the end is a myth to me.

17. Moms on facebook annoy me.

18. My left armpit always itches after ______. I don't know if it has something to do with my release.

19. I've never been to a concert before. Nelly Furtado was my first concert thanks to my wonderful friend Lauren. Now Seth and I are doing research to find which city has the cheapest Britney Spears tickets so we can travel there and enjoy her live. Gay.

20. I get really sick to the sight of blood.

21. I love all the good bitch drinks. Malibu Bay Breeze is my number one.

22. "I suck dick fo money" .... wha??" I love inside jokes.

23. Because I've moved a lot from state to state and city to city, I've met a lot of people along the way. I never get tired of networking and I'm very interested in stories that people have to share. It's so cliche but it's seriously like our own individual thumbprint. I love it because it's hard to find an honest/ genuine person who's not afraid to share their "baggage"!

24. Before I turn 25, I would like to see The Everglades, Egypt & The Stonehenge and I want to go skydiving (even though I'm scared shitless) and to swim with Shamu.

25. I'm a total nerd for CSI and Forensic Files. Something about those shows and criminal justice really gets my blood pumping!