Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Snowing Still.


It's snowing still. Since 6pm the day before. It's almost a foot and a half and in New York, that's a huge burden on everyone who lives here. There's no safety from getting soaked from the knees down. I did sleep very well t hough, the radiator was nice and going and it seemed like a silent night right before a big storm. The snow was falling like a silent rain. Seth is on a 4 day, I can't remember where he was sent to, but I know he comes home Thursday morning. Of course I'll be at work, then hip hop dance class. The snow is lightening up but it's still cold as hell. I wonder why we seem to get the most snow in months other than December. I still can't believe how fast it seems to be going these days. Maybe because the break up with David was 2 years ago. Then again my schedule has gotten a lot busier. I can't believe I graduate in May! :) I don't mind my schedule. I'm in a better place now spiritually and mentally as well as emotionally. It's the "fun kind" of being productive that I really enjoy. I'm waiting to open the store with my other coworkers but the snow trapped them all out in Harlem so they're 30 minutes late. Well I'm having a busy week this week so wish me luck...

..Until then

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