Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Note #8.

Woman on subway hits her child during rush hour on the way home.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Note #7.

Black man pushes white woman just to hold the pole.
6 stops later, finds a seat for himself.
Holds the empty seat next to him, and offers it to her.

She accepts.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Note #6.

People have just lost their manners and don't say thank you and I'm sorry.

Jewish man looks with disgust as large black woman sits down in the 2 seater on the subway.

Man staring/day dreaming out his window in Kew Gardens on Lefferts Blvd in Queens. 12:12pm

Monday, March 9, 2009

Note #5.

Brave man sits next to homeless man with drool hanging out to his knees.
People stare and have been avoiding sitting on the same side as him.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Note #4.

2 police men in subway.
Making everyone nervous about just sitting.
Almost as if we're all hiding our secrets.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Note #3.

Two gay men sat in from Queens to Manhattan.
The only 5 people around us gave them dirty looks, stared.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Note #2.

My art tube fell on woman's leg.
Gave me the nastiest look.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Note #1.

Saw one woman give up her seat for another woman.
Good deed in NY.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's Snowing Still.


It's snowing still. Since 6pm the day before. It's almost a foot and a half and in New York, that's a huge burden on everyone who lives here. There's no safety from getting soaked from the knees down. I did sleep very well t hough, the radiator was nice and going and it seemed like a silent night right before a big storm. The snow was falling like a silent rain. Seth is on a 4 day, I can't remember where he was sent to, but I know he comes home Thursday morning. Of course I'll be at work, then hip hop dance class. The snow is lightening up but it's still cold as hell. I wonder why we seem to get the most snow in months other than December. I still can't believe how fast it seems to be going these days. Maybe because the break up with David was 2 years ago. Then again my schedule has gotten a lot busier. I can't believe I graduate in May! :) I don't mind my schedule. I'm in a better place now spiritually and mentally as well as emotionally. It's the "fun kind" of being productive that I really enjoy. I'm waiting to open the store with my other coworkers but the snow trapped them all out in Harlem so they're 30 minutes late. Well I'm having a busy week this week so wish me luck...

..Until then