Tuesday, February 14, 2006

[One Time]

[one time] I turned off the music in the car and poured my heart for the 40 minute ride home. David cried because in those forty minutes we fell in love all over again.

[one time] I met David at work at two in the morning because he was having a horrible night.

[one time] David and I layed in bed for hours just talking and laughing.

[one time] I made him laugh so hard with my myspace impressions, he fell on the floor.


[one time] David wrote me a note telling me that he loved me because I was sad about some of my friends turning their backs on me when I came out. and he folded it up and left it on my seat in the car when I wasn't looking. I found it after we had dinner and I cried when I read it.

[one time] David lit about 40 candles in our bathroom and surrounding the tub. He told me to come into the bathroom and I gasped when I glanced around.

[one time] when I was sick, David went to the grocery store while I was sleeping. He woke me up with french toast, a homemade fruit bowl, orange juice, pepto bismol and robutussin.

[one time] David pulled his boxers all the way up around his chest and danced around to make me laugh.

[one time] David sang me to sleep on the phone.

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