Friday, June 15, 2007


All I want to be is my disappearing self.
Is that too much to ask??

It's all bullshit.
Yeah, I know..I said it was in my last post.

waa waa waaaa.

I'm tired of it all.
I'm tired of the complaining.
The whining.
The depression.
The bitterness.

The heavy sighs.
The rolling of the eyes.

If you don't like my bulletins.
Get over it, don't read it. Don't even click the link.
If you don't like your hair.
Stop cutting it.
If you don't like your weight.
Go to the gym your friend above you wants you to join.
Or at least go walk your dog for an hour+ like Fallon.

I'm sorry I got cranky, but you said it yourself.
You were in a bad mood because you were depressed and fat.
Then they way you asked me.
I know it was a simple question, but at the moment, I was in no mood.
What did you want me to say? "Oh, no baby, I didn't get to it with all the other things I was cleaning tonight".

I was working my way around the apartment because I know you just
recently worked hard at cleaning it, so I wanted to clean up after myself.
So sorry that you hate seeing dishes in the sink so much that they should be clean before you come home.

I'm not your wife.
I don't want to be anything close to that.


Sorry that I'm probably complaining...once again.
But it's just not fair. I can feel myself changing from the hair on my head all the way down to my little toes.
I'm constantly walking on eggshells and it will never be enough.


I'm tired of always "ruining your evening"
Ruining your day.
Ruining your friendships with you true friends.
Ruining us.

So let's just all cry a river.
Seems I just jumped in your boat.

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