Thursday, June 28, 2007

Just Counting.

So here it is, 10:41p and it's pouring rain..based off the thunder and lightning I'd say the storm is 1 mile or so away. Feels like we're right in the eye of the storm because the rain is coming down hard. It's always so funny to watch Nikita when it thunderstorms because she gets scared so easily. Her ears go back, she shakes and she ends up going to the bathroom everywhere. I guess that part isn't funny as it is annoying, but it's funny because she knows when it's about to storm before it actually does.

I paid my dorm deposit today. And to be quite honest, it was the scariest thing I've had to do. Mainly because that was the final thread to tie up my school stuff before I start in the fall. Imagine having an established apartment, everything you having to condense it for a dorm that you'll have to end up sharing with a total stranger. I guess that's the fun out of "dorm-life" but for a while now, I wasn't having it. I was determined to sign another lease with David, and just live my life like I've been doing. BUT the smartest thing to do is just that. So now, my fear has turned into excitement.

I'm officially a fine arts major. I'm so excited that I don't even know what to say. I did this all on my own and I'm surprised that everything worked out okay. I mean, don't get me wrong it was A LOT of work, but in the's so worth it. Thank you David and Kashmir for helping me along the way..I know I said it before, but it needs to be said again.

My life is changing.

I'm jumping with both feet in, and just counting down the days..

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