Saturday, June 2, 2007

Why Don't You Be The Light To My Day.

Can I just say that the last 24 hours have been so, so crazy I don't even know where to begin. I can say that we had the feeling something wasn't right.


So we booked our trip to Dallas almost 3 weeks prior to our departure time thinking we'd enjoy 5 days braces appointment, seeing wonderful friends, celebrating our two year in my hometown, getting out of NY for a few..yeah. Well we should've followd our "6th Sense" from the start. So I got an infection from old contacts the day before our trip, and I squeezed an appointment right before and they gave me drops but told me to, "not wear my contacts the whole time I'm gone". Sign 1.

Not only did David have this weird feeling (he hates to fly, but it wasn't that - it was worse) about the trip, even the dog was acting up. It's true, as we were packed and walking out the door, Nikita came out with us like she was going with us, or didn't want us to go. She never does that. Last time she did that, it was when we moved from Dallas to New York a year ago. New environments I suppose. Well we're waiting for the elevator and we can hear her whine and cry the whole time. Sign 2.

Then after a couple mini panic attacks about if this is what we're supposed to be doing, we finally suck it up and go to the airport. Not going to lie, even David had me start thinking about the plane. I'm not saying we've watched too much Final Desintation or LOST, it's just a weird feeling everytime we fly someone new. We get there and what, our flight was delayed by 2 hours. Sign 3

Okay? So we ended up sitting at our gate for 3 ½ hours, meanwhile the people who run the counters and everything around our gate, bounced because they KNEW they were going to get shit from everyone. No one was telling us anything and it got to the point that even no one was telling us it was still being delayed. Departure time now: 9:20p, meanwhile it's 10:35. We noticed the screens above the gate doors with the weather and we noticed that DFW area had tornado watches/warnings to 3a. We don't fly if there's any sign of bad weather. Sign 4.

We board around 11:45 and they tell apologize for the delay, tell us to kick off our shoes, and even take down everyone's cocktail drink order and guess what they tell us..we have to be grounded for another 2+ hours. BUT because it was cross passed 12:01a, they have to cancel our flight. Bitch. After directing us the wrong ticket booth to re-book our flight, they wouln't pay for a hotel considering they booked us for 8:00/9:00a flight the next day. They wouldn't allow us to spend the night, and they expected us to spend $70 more dollars to go home, then wake up extra early to spend it all over again by 8a. Hell no. We refunded that money quick and we'll plan the same trip like 3 weeks later.

All good things comes out of this though. There was this woman who only spoke spanish, and I kid you not she didn't know a word of english who found David and I and she was telling us that we can't separate, she needs us, our help and translation and that she's all alone in the airport just trying to get back home to Dallas. She was borrowing our phones right and left and apparently her son wasn't driving an hour to pick her up from her delayed flight. (I'm guessing he lived in Upstate NY) Phew. What a night. This is a lesson or a test for us. Never continue to persue something when you get that feeling, and always just listen to that voice or in this case, the bark that was just saying, "NO!!!!" from the start. haha.

I'm sorry Dallas.

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