Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gay Gay Gay.

Summer is barely here and I feel like I've already had a busy, complete summer. Promotions. Internships. This one guy. I don't know, it's crazy to think that I've drastically changed over this past year than I think I've ever changed say in the past 5 years. I think the "shy Mathew" no longer exists and I'm quite pleased that I'm more outspoken. But back to summer, can I just say how tired I am of the rain? It's rained so much within the last month, I can't take it anymore. I am however in love with the past couple days' weather because the sun has been out, the tan is in gear and come on let's be honest, who doesn't look good in a tan? ::shrugs shoulders::

So I've taken on dogwalking as a side job for summer to earn a little more cash, because you know what they say, "mo money, mo shoes". And I'm officially hooked. I get to dogsit in these beautiful apartments in Chelsea, and get to 'own' 6 dogs, without paying the price for actually owning ONE of those dogs. They are too cute and it definitely helps me relieve some stress and gather my thoughts. So does painting, which I've been doing more of now that I have down time to actually paint and not paint semester thesis paintings. I'm trying to juggle many things come to think of it. I've been promoted to manager, which I've realized does not mean more authority, but more responsibility. Meh I'm pretty good at multitasking. I'm actually thinking about bartending because I'm pretty slick at the bar. I'm looking into it now. Watch out. LOL

So the past couple days, I've been thinking. I have quite a few walls that need to come down. I was summarizing my weekend while doing laundry because I was probed to kind of pour out feelings and emotions that I've never really expressed until then, and to be honest, it felt very nice. I'm used to writing or listening to music (while painting) and I'm not going to lie - I loved every second of it. At first, I was feeling a little defensive but I realized that no one has ever really probed or been curious about my life and all it's details. My past, my future and my current status of my being. Hey you, thank you. It's nice to connect with someone on that level and feel comfortable being me and expressing myself the only way I really know how? Anyway, the point of this paragraph is to just thank you and I'm very appreciative and humble of what we have. It feels nice.

So I'm ready to be gay for Gay Pride coming up this month, I'm ready for Sex and the City and anything that may fall in between because now that it's summer, the short shorts and tank tops are out! I'm gay gay gay. Mehhh what can I say...suck it!

So yeah, guess who the painting is. xoxo

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