Saturday, January 28, 2006

NY, Cameras, & Goodbyes.

So David...

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And I just finished settling into our new apartment...

with our fish too...

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Is it weird that I already miss New York?


Here's what I loved most about NY.

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I'll miss NY for the moment being, but I'll make just as wonderful memories back home here in Dallas with David.

He's the reason my heart is still beating.

I love you David Lopez.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Today Is The Day!

So today is/was the day.

THe dayy that everything will start to change. David is moving to Dallas with me so we can live together and strengthen our relationship. That's so exciting because not only is he my first love/boyfriend, but I honestly believe that this relationship is going to last. FOREVER!! I'm on the plane right now - It's 4:30 right now and I'm filled with anxiety because I just can't wait to land so that way I can plan my evening and pick David up.

I love David so much that it hurts. It's hard to believe that we're so in love, but then again - it's not hard at all. -

It's one of those things that I'm still adjusting to. All good ways - all good ways I mean.

We're so perfect for each other.

This will be the first day in a long time that we're spending more than one hour away from each other. Crazy huh!?! Not really. We've spent 6 1/2 weeks together and you wanna know something - I've enjoyed every minute of it. Every minute.

So as I beging this new chapter in my life, I'm so glad that I get to start it with David. With Mike and Misti's wedding on February 24th and then the roadtrip to Nashville to visit his mom - I thourghly can not wait. It's one of those feelings that I can't describe.

It's just one of those things I can not descibe.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

David's Stuff.

So today we bought the last box for David's stuff.

-2 days left-

We went to Yaffe Cafe for brunch and now we're on theh L train heading back to the apt to finish packing. After that, we're planning on going to the Empire State Building and doing last minute shopping! OMG! I can't believe we're going to be living in Dallas! I have a boyfriend! An amazing one at that! He's such a wonderful person I can't stand it! We're doing Karaoke tonight with the crew then who know what..

amazing sex??!?! ::gasp gasp!::

Oh! we're going to see RENT on Broadway this Thursday night! It's going to be amazing well because you know why...I love RENT. When we come back to NY the summer of 2007 I want to see Wicked and Phantom of the Opera. I grew up oon those and I'll see them kinda like a tribute to my mother. Well, I'm done with everything so yeah..bye!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Alone Time.

So alone time with myself is always nice..

It's way to early even for me, not even going to lie. As I lay here on the floor, I'm realizing that my life is changing as I write. I'm listening to "Imogen Heap" Goodnight and Go and the lyric that stands out the most is:

"Why do you have to be so cute//
It's impossible to ignore you//"

David is so cute when he sleeps. The love I have for him is so overwhelming. He still makes me feel like a school girl with a crush. A HARDCORE CRUSH! He's so nice, loving, sweet, adorable, genuine, etc. He knows how to treat me. He treats me right.

It's officially 8 days uuntil he moves bace home with me in my apartment in Dallas. That's right - Dallas. We're going to the post office today so he can cash his money order so he can have money to live for the remainder of his stay here in New York.

David - Thank you for being and incredible person to me. Thank you for loving a person such as myself. Just thank you! Thank for also being a friend. That's right - a friend. :) You listen to me, to my every fear, every concern, every corky story. That's what friends do, and today I realized that not only are yo my bf, but you are indeed a friend. So again - THANK YOU!

Gahhh! There's a quote that I can't get out of my head and I want to write it down before I forget:

"If I could, I would say I love you every second of every minute in every hour in every day"

Hahah David's snore always makes me smile. I give him so much grief over it but I don't mean to. The truth is I love everything about David including his snore. (haha) I also make fun of hime and say his pores are too big or he's too fat and that's so not true. Remember - I love everything about David.

So David- I'm sorry baby, I know I hurt your feelings, so I'll work on that. :) xoxo

Okay I have to stop soon because my hand is starting to hurt. (haha) but yeah...I just wanted to sqeeze a little writing in between our busy/eventful day.

more to come..



-So I'm feeling a little bitter.
I don't know exactly why I'm feeling this way.
Maybe because I got about 30 minutes sleep.


I'm not sure.
David was mean because he had to wake up.
Guess he didn't get enough sleep either.

That's okay though.
I still love him.

We'll see how today turns out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Plane Ticket.

So today David officially bought his plane ticket for Dallas! eeeeee!!! Words can't describe how excited/nervous I am!


[10:18 pm]

So I'm at "Hollywood Diner" with Andre and David and we are dicussing everything about David moving in 9 days! So yeah - David's supposed to talk to Jimmy about "everything". WOW.

So I bought 2 porns last night/this morning. One was hot on the cover, but actually watching it - not so much. The 2nd one is HOT. So it's fun just hanging out with the boys just being our gay selves being stupid.

I'm not gonna lie - I'm going to miss New York. I wanted to move here, but my plans have changed.

Dreams Change, But Never Die.

Dreams Change, but Never Die.


[David & I]

New York.

Here we come.

♥Matthew R. Chavez

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First Off:

-First off: What a wonderful way to start off the day by amazing (and I mean amazing) SEX!

Monday, January 16, 2006

David <3 Matt

*Highlight of the Day:
1. Getting coffee in freezing ice New York weather & meeting up with David later on.
2. Seeing Michelle Trachtenberg at "The Silk Trading Company" off 5th Ave. and 16th.
3. AMAZING! finding out that David is officially moving to Dallas with me on January 27th.

*Lowlight of the Day:
1. Not getting any sleep (pulled an all nighter and lack of sleep made me kinda grouchy - not gonna lie)
2. Being friggin freezing in the snow/ice/wind. (love the winter blah blah blah but still)
3. Being totally uncomfortable on the L Train standing up hearing obnoxious conversations, smelling foul odors, and being in clustered groups feeling a little clausophobic.

-other than that-

Today was utterly one of the days of my life...I feel in love all over again. I love you David!!


Monday, January 2, 2006

2006 Subway Slideshow.

New Years on the L Train.

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